Note: click the link on the right (Pickerd's Italy Rome Mission) to see pictures of the installation of the Angel Moroni on the Rome temple.
Hey everyone! I hope y'all are doing well. This week was an incredible week that went by really fast. This last Tuesday we were able to take the missionaries to the airport because they had finished their missions and so it was really special to talk to them and hear what advice they had. That Monday night we were all staying at the mission home together and they bore their testimonies about their missions... it was really impactful to hear their experiences and for them to talk about the Holy Ghost, love, and charity for other people. Wednesday morning Anziano Battaglia and I had the opportunity to go to the airport and pick up the new missionaries that were coming in... once they got in we took them to the temple to get pictures in front of it (the angel Moroni was placed on top of the temple on Saturday, ohhh baby!!) after which we headed to the mission home. There we had them settle in for about 10 minutes [editor’s note: Wow! 10 whole minutes…not too much settling in] and then Anziano Battaglia and I took them out to go do a giro [tour] around Rome.. IT WAS SO FUN, going to the Colosseum, Vittorio Emanuele, and a massive church because we were talking to a bunch of people. All along the way, we were talking and teaching people about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration so that the new missionaries could get used to that. They had such greenie fire, it was incredible... the same power and spirit the the departing missionaries had from Monday--just not kinda guided and controlled yet. It was really awesome to see the contrast. It was also funny because they were just all over the place with the questions about Italy: from what my favorite city is to what my favorite fruit is... I loved it haha.
The next few days after that were pretty intense as we did a few trainings and prepared the new missionaries, and then transfer day happened!! It was incredible how much stuff we have to do that I didn't even realize went on before I was called here with Anziano Battaglia. We drove around most of the day picking up missionaries and dropping them off. We also drove to Terni to drop off some bunk beds for the missionaries and were there for a max of 3 minutes before turning around and driving back to Rome to meet with President Pickerd. Saturday and Sunday were much more tranquillo [peaceful/calm] and we were able to see some of our investigators!! We are working with a half Jamaican family who are members but the husband isn't. We had a great time with the family yesterday, and Jamaican curry is amazing!!!
There are two other elders living in the house with us. One of them is Anziano LaRussa, who I have wanted to be with my entire mission, and so that has been really fun. The other is Anziano Cates, who we picked up from the airport last week! All of them are wrestlers, including my companion, so that has been super cool. Well, I love you guys so much!! I have to go now and I apologize for the lack of time and small email! Just know I am doing extremely well, loving being a missionary, and loving Italy!
Vi voglio un mondo di bene!
Anziano Spencer
Taking departing missionaries to the airport. |
New missionaries getting the lay of the land. |
Transfer day! |
Yep, that's a live cat tied to this guy's neck. Wow. That's one way to transport it. |
President and Sister Pickerd, with Anziani Spencer and Battaglia. |
That's Tristan behind, getting the gate.
That thing is just a bit larger to drive than the Nissan Sentra. |