Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 20--Nov 23 (Terni)


What is up everyone!? I love getting your weekly emails and updates, like I am not kidding, they are the best thing ever. I really do want to know how y'all are doing haha. Anyway, this week was sooo good. My companion and I have finally found our mojo together and it is making everything so much better as we are a lot more united. It really does make everything so much better. It's really cool because to be honest my companion and I were fine for the first two transfers, but we were not really united. We worked really hard and did our best but I was kinda pulling one way and he was the other. So I know that this transfer for me was really inspired to stay another and work together because now we are getting along and it's really awesome.

Okayyy anyway, so this week we had some cool experiences. One thing that happened is our boss mission leader made a calander to have us over to share like a spiritual thought, serve, and have dinner if the people want. And so he gave it to our English course students. It was super cool cause they were all sooo down for it so last week we were able to go and have lunch at these two homies' house from Libya. We knew they were both Muslim though, so we were interested to see how it would go with like what we would share. We started talking and it was awesome cause one of them literally reminded me of my buddy Needs because he is literally involved in like everything that can possibly be done and is like a genius, and a stud. He was saying how he is doing everything he can to make Libya a better place and how this week he's going up to Milan cause he was selected to build a project to transfer electricity form some islands in the Caribbean, through Europe, and down to South Africa. My mind was just completely blown as he was speaking more complex English than I was lolol even though I teach him. Then for our spiritual thought we asked them if they had any questions for us as missionaries of our church. We ended up teaching the whole restoration to them and then offering if they wanted two Arabic Books of Mormon so it was super cool. They are such homies hahah. So glad that the other guys had to go to the transvestite's house the next day. But once she found out that I wasn't coming she decided that no one was coming. Goodness, so glad I dodged that.

My funny experience from this week happened on Saturday. There was a baptism of a little girl in our ward so we were asked to help with the new font and set everything up. Anyway so hopefully I can explain how funny this experience really was. So there were two members helping us (one of them was S. whose wife growls and yells at us-- I think I have mentioned her before). So S. is kinda just an odd really funny old guy that says the most random things. Like he told Anziano Palazzo how he just finished painting a picture of the First Vision and all this stuff even though we all know it's not true. And one time after we finished our lesson with him he's like "I am going to watch beauty and the beast.” Just sooo random. So we get this call in the middle of the afternoon saying, "Anziani get over here the font is breaking!!!" So we were like oh no so we run in and the inside elastic is collapsing inward and so water is about to go everywhere. We grab the sides and S. grabs it but water starts pouring out and he's like "woooooww a waterfall" and got like super excited haha while the other member was like Anziani we have to pick up this and dump all the water in the other font.. Ummm what?? This thing is 450 lbs.. ANZIANI LIFT!!! So we are like oh my gosh lifting as hard as we can, all the while S. is just super excited the water is going everywhere, and the piano was playing for some reason "Oh When the Saints Come Marching IN" some super crazy randition of it. I was DYING... It was the funniest thing I think that has ever happened on my mission. I am sending pictures that will hopefully make more sense haha. 

Well things with our investigators are going really well.  We are working with some amazing people and seriously some of them are just so prepared. Pia accepted the Word of Wisdom like right off the bat and was like yeah this all makes sense. And we are working with this one Pilipino right now who after we taught the plan of salvation sat back and AnznRay was like does this answer your questions? And he was like "yeah" with a sigh of relief; it was awesome. We have met some incredible people on the street too. On Thursday we were planning on going to see someone but instead I felt really strongly that we should go into the passagiata. So we did and I saw this guy sitting up on this hill sleeping. And I realized that for some reason he is the reason that we came here so we walked up and started talking to him and I felt the spirit so strongly as I was bearing my testimony. We are meeting with him tomorrow so I really hope that things go well with him so we can increase our work here!!! There was this guy that we met and he really respected us and was using the form that you use when you talk to kings. He was 91 and mentioned he wasn't going to change but said he really respected what we were doing here. It's these little things that help make everything so worth it.

The language is coming  too, as at church we had these two African homies come that we met on the street. One of them is named Happy. So sick. Anyway I was translating for them in second hour and was able to translate most of the lesson, even though the lesson was about the 12 Tribes of Israel. So it's coming, slowly but it is! 

Sorry this letter is so long!!

Well I love you all!! Have an awesome Thanksgiving!! If you have any advice for how to make donuts (they don't really exist here) or any other Thanksgiving foods (i know donuts have nothing to do with Thanksgiving but we have to bring them for a party for corso) cause we are playing football with all our corso friends and then having a party. Which will be really good and hopefully we will make some new contacts from it. Anyway, that would be awesome cause literally I have no idea! Love y'all so much!

Spiritual thought- I have been really working on doing the best that I can and sometimes though I feel like it's not enough. So I read this awesome talk about inadequacies and how when we face our challenges, yes, it will be hard, but we will grow and learn so much more than just turning away and not facing them. That’s another reason that I am glad I get to stay in Terni for this transfer. Anyway I love this, "We can also keep moving. Only the Lord can compare crosses, but all crosses are easier to carry when we keep moving. Men finally climbed Mount Everest, not by standing at its base in consuming awe, but by shouldering their packs and by placing one foot in front of another. Feet are made to move forward--not backward!"

Have an awesome week!

Anz. Spencer
The guy on the left in blue is the ward mission leader, the guy in the front is a member who travels 3 hours by train every week to attend church, and the guy on the right is a member of one year who happens to be a millionaire. 

"What I wear to bed at night!" (He reports his apartment is freezing.)

S. of the font incident referred to above. :-)
And the font itself!

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