Happy early Easter everyone! I hope that everyone has had a good week
and that life is good with y'all. I literally feel like I say that so
much but it's true--I really do hope that y'all are doing great. So
this week I am not going to be able to write that much; we
are leaving to go on a bus pretty soon because we have a combined Zone
Conference in Catania (which is across on the other side of Sicily), so
it will be sickkk. But that's why I don't have that much time.
So I got my new companion!! And he is a stud, from Utah; he loves
sports and played football and rugby, and also wrestled, which is sick. Anziano
Garrett and I left Trapani on Wednesday so that he could take his
train on Thursday morning. I then spent the day with Anziano Trejo
working with him in Palermo. It was really awesome and I enjoy working
with him a lot because he is a solid missionary and I always learn so
Our work is going really well though. We have a lot of really good
potential and great people that we are working with. Unfortunately we
haven't been able to see a lot of our investigators this week cause we
have been back and forth in Palermo, but one miracle that I saw this week was one
of our investigators came to church!! He is such a stud and just comes
in and talks to everyone and the cool thing was that I called him
on the phone the night before and he said that he wouldn't be able to
see us this week because he was too busy. But, he walked in to
church ready for Sacrament meeting and it made me so happy!! I was
seriously so happy haha!! (He is the one that I talked about last
week that is the son of "the Mafia boss" so I have really high hopes
for him.)
I am sorry that I don't have much else to say, other than I really do
love Trapani. I have such a love for each and every one of the members
and it has been really great working with them for the past two
transfers and I am excited to work with them more!!
So for my spiritual thought I wanted to share a little quote from a
talk that I really like called "Never Give Up" by Joseph B. Worthlin. I
have shared a lot of quotes from him before, and from this talk
specifically, but something that I really liked when I was reading it
this morning was this (below) as he explains different people in history who
persevered and were successful because of their efforts and their
"They succeeded (he is talking about Abraham Lincoln, Beethoven,
Nightingale, etc.) not only because the Lord had endowed them with
gifts, as he has each of us in varying degrees, but because they
applied themselves steadfastly."
I really like this quote a lot because we have all been blessed by
different things in our lives because God loves us so much. But, as we
put those talents into practice and strive for more by applying
ourselves, we will be able to do anything that we strive for. I know
that that is true and it is something I am trying to do every single
day on my mission!! I love you all so much!
Anziano Spencer
P.S. Next week I have my Pday on Tuesday because on Monday we are
doing our deep cleaning again. Ya know the time when I found a snail
in the fridge? Yeah, so we are doing that again and it will be so much
fun haha.
Also, today for Pday we went to a place called the "tie cave" which is
some super sketchy place in Palermo that you can only get into if you
know what it is. You have to ask the guy who works there and then he unlocks
this garage door that is just full of hundreds of super nice ties all
for around 5 euros. Ohh yeahh, probably illegal. I love Italy so much!! I will talk to y'all next week!
For their last Pday together (last week, March 14), Anziani Spencer and Garrett went on a hike to an old community nestled in the rocks and cliffs of a mountain. |
Third to last photo, the "favorite member family" - is that Maurizio Cimino? He was in his late teens when I was there - a great young man. His mother once made us a meal in which I ate so much I could hardly stand up afterwards, penne pasta in some kind of garlic-y sauce. I so wish I had that recipe.