Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Week 47: May 30 (Trapani)


Hey everyone! So I have no time today because we are going to
Favaniana with Anziani Chilvers and Whiting (we were in the same
district in the MTC so it's going to be sicck). To by the title of my
email, you can see I am getting transferred! I honestly have mixed emotions about it
cause I love Trapani so much, and saying goodbye to everyone has been
pretty tough. But I am excited to go to my new city!! So Brindisi is
on the coast on the other side of Italy, (in the Bari region) and is
basically the heel of Italy. I have a 12-hour bus ride by myself on
Thursday morning which is going to be great lol. I just can't wait to
get there and start working. Apparently, the city is bigger than Trapani but
the branch is pretty small. Something like 15 members or something
like that. Soo cool--I am really excited and I will give you more of
the details next week when I am actually there.

This week was really good; we were in Palermo a lot because we had
Zone Conference and then Stake Conference with an authority from the
70. Zone Conference was one of the most powerful and spiritual meetings
that I have ever been to. I learned so much and It was a really good
boost for me. We focused on the Restoration and sharing it with people
everywhere, every chance we get. Then we practiced at small, condensed
versions if we had 5 minutes, 4, and 3... It seriously was so great and
the most powerful time for me was when the AP's were bearing their
testimonies and one of them (Anziano Flynn) started in Italian and
then his companion (Anziano Taranto) started in English. They were
saying it in the same time but different languages and the spirit was
incredible. It was a really cool experience.

Stake conference was really great. We were able to go to the
leadership meeting on Saturday and that was really good. One of my
buddies was translating for everyone, including the 70, but he was
having a tough time. He asked me to take over and not gonna lie I got
kinda nervous cause there was the 70 and so I didn't want to mess up.
So let me explain my feelings. Confidence pretty low, I took the mic and
started. I realized that things were going well and my confidence
started to get better and raise. It was then at the point where I was
doing fine without being nervous and not gonna lie I was like.. YESSS,
I am a BEAST right now! I get to translate for this authority. And then
all of the sudden the other speaker gets up and was like, "I want to
start my talk by talking about Napoleon..." Ohh freak...Confidence
dropping so fast and so hard. Lol I was trying so hard but I really
had no idea what he was saying cause of his accent, so I passed the
mic to an older missionary. Pride, it's a terrible thing. I have been
so humbled on my mission from different experiences. Hahaha it's funny
to look back at it. So the language is coming on well but I now have to
study words like battles and cavalry.

So for my spiritual thought I wanted to share what I heard at Zone
Conference that impacted me so much..

Vidi esattamente sopra la mia testa una colonna di luce più brillante
del sole, che discese gradualmente fino a che cadde su di me… Quando
la luce stette su di me, io vidi due Personaggi il cui splendore e la
cui gloria sfidano ogni descrizione, ritti sopra di me nell’aria. Uno
di essi mi parlò, chiamandomi per nome, e disse indicando l’altro:
Questo è il mio Figlio diletto. Ascoltalo!»

I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of
the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. … When the
light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory
defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake
unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other--This is
My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

I absolutely know without a doubt that this happened. I know that
Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ and he restored the priesthood
and the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth through
the power of Jesus Christ. No, we don't worship Joseph Smith (something
that was yelled at us to mock us in the city center last night over a
loud speaker microphone), we worship Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was
called as a prophet to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth
today. And how can people know this? By reading the Book of Mormon. I
love being a missionary!!

Vi Voglio BENE!!!!

Anziano Spencer
Zone Conference

Stake Conference and visits to favorite members


1 comment:

  1. " the AP's were bearing their testimonies and one of them (Anziano Flynn) started in Italian and then his companion (Anziano Taranto) started in English."

    Simeon Toronto is descended from one of the first Italian converts, Giuseppe Taranto (Joseph Toronto). His family lived in our ward, and Simeon was my home teaching companion before he left on his mission. We were both pretty thrilled when he was called to Italy! The family has since moved to Colorado, and we miss them a great deal.


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